Re: The pitiful rap

Everett F Batey WA6CRE (efb@suned1.Nswses.Navy.Mil)
Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:47:29 -0700 (PDT)

Really sad to see folks who never get to look at each other for the most 
part generate such ugly images of each other and selves.  Makes it real 
hard to do the work we all try to use this media to accomplish.

In my life I have said some CUTE things in haste .. had to go look for a 
rock to hide under .. this is a list topper .. lets offer some apologies 
where due and remember mental and chemical excesses are no safer here in 
the Info Super Highway than on our respective above and below the equator 
automotive super highways.

Could we maybe bury this sad puppy and get on.  VR /Ev/

 + efb@suned1.nswses.Navy.MIL +
 +   [EFB15]   WA6CRE   Gold Coast Sun Users +
 + The Genie is Out of the Bottle!  :-)  CANT Put it Back, Nor even Nuke It +
 + Opinions, MINE, NOT Uncle_s  |  WWW b-news innd postmaster XNTP3 DNS GNU +